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Below are some very important documents that you will need when you start dialing and running appointments. We recommend printing these out and creating a binder to always have with you.



Use this in every home, with every lead type, and fill it out completely on every appointment.

Present this to every client at the beginning of the appointment to show your credibility.

Step by step guide to properly set the table in-home.

Print this out and give to every Final Expense Lead and Whole Life Client. (More details than V2)

Print this out and give to every Final Expense Lead and Whole Life Client.

Show this to every client while gathering quotes for HMS Term.

Use this to help you decide which carrier to go with. 

Use this to help you decide which carrier to go with. 

Use this to help you decide which carrier to go with. 

Give this to your clients once their application has been accepted.

Fill this out and give to your clients after you submit the application.

Use this form when a client, spouse, or dependent are refusing or canceling coverage.

Use this to reassure your clients that they are putting their trust in the right person to protect their family.

Use this to gather referrals from your clients after you protect them.

This is a breakdown of the average cost of cremation and burial services.

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